Political Notebook: In addition to hope, Milk's other mantra was, 'You've gotta vote!'

Political Notebook: In addition to hope, Milk's other mantra was, 'You've gotta vote!'

Over the decades the late gay San Francisco supervisor Harvey Milk has become well known for his line, "You've gotta give 'em hope." Less famously, Milk's other mantra was, "You've gotta vote!"

Editorial: Why Give OUT Day matters

Editorial: Why Give OUT Day matters

By now, many readers have probably received a few — or a lot — of emails and messages on social media from LGBTQ nonprofits seeking donations through Give OUT Day.

News Briefs: Volunteers needed for pink triangle display

News Briefs: Volunteers needed for pink triangle display

Obituaries: Michael Davenport

Obituaries: Michael Davenport

Guest Opinion: Let's preserve LGBTQ culture

Guest Opinion: Let's preserve LGBTQ culture

Obituaries: Thomas Fontaine

Obituaries: Thomas Fontaine

Transmissions: Control

Transmissions: Control

Oxytocin Peptide Hormone: What Is It And How Does It Operate?

Oxytocin Peptide Hormone: What Is It And How Does It Operate?

Arts & Culture

Music for mortals: The Lavender Tube on Lady Gaga, 'Dead Boy Detectives' & more

Music for mortals: The Lavender Tube on Lady Gaga, 'Dead Boy Detectives' & more

Get ready, Little Monsters, Mother Monster is back to remind Taylor Swift and Beyoncé they aren't the only queens. Also, "Dead Boy Detectives," "Black Twitter: A People's History," "Hacks" and more are on our TV columnist's watchful eye.


Oaklash unleashed! Oakland's three-day celebration of trans and queer performance returns

Oaklash unleashed! Oakland's three-day celebration of trans and queer performance returns

Oaklash, Oakland's annual celebration of queer and trans performance, is back, and it promises to be wilder than ever. The party takes place on the weekend of May 17.