Letters to the editor

  • Wednesday November 9, 2011
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Supports new HIV policy

Bravo to Luke Adams and Race Bannon for their excellent response to the AIDS Healthcare Foundation's dangerous propaganda campaign against the use of Truvada as a tool in reducing HIV transmission. ["Brave new world: Test, treat, and PrEP," Guest Opinion, November 3] .

AHF's campaign to prevent access to a medication that reduces HIV infections by as much as 90 percent is just plain wrong.

I thank Messrs. Adams and Bannon for excellently articulating the falsehoods in AHF's dangerous campaign to prevent access to a medication that significantly reduces HIV transmission.

Stephen Modde, Esq.

San Francisco

Appreciates coverage

I appreciate your coverage of the mayoral candidates attending the forum for HIV/AIDS policy ["Candidates address AIDS policy," October 27]. HIV continues to make a deep impact, particularly in neighborhoods with the highest rates of economic and health disparities. In the Tenderloin, for example, many of the 1,700 people living with HIV/AIDS are homeless with co-occurring mental health and substance use issues. The lack of access to care and treatment, affordable housing, mental health, and substance use services contribute to climbing community viral rates among our most vulnerable residents. My hope is that our next mayor considers the importance of maintaining HIV funding throughout the city as well as funding for essential social supports.

Kim Gilgenberg-Castillo

San Francisco