Whooping it up in San Diego

  • by Mister Marcus
  • Tuesday March 20, 2007
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They were whooping it up in San Diego all last week with the Leather Pride Week that extended for a full seven days beginning with the Ms. San Diego Leather contest and ending with the Mr. San Diego Leather contest. In between, various functions brought out the faithful, many of whom had not been "out there" for some time. There was a titleholders dinner with a keynote message from "Roadkill."

The results of the Ms. San Diego Leather contest were printed here last week, but I got a chance to meet Alisa May this past weekend. She appears to be quite well informed and has an enthusiastic personality with some definite plans of her own. With former International Ms. Leather Jo Blas in San Diego to advise any and all titleholders, it's pretty solid thinking to expect May will probably succeed in all her endeavors. You know Blas does not take any bullshit, and is the first to question anything that just doesn't look right. Every community needs a safeguard mechanism embodied in a true leather person!

The meet and greet at the San Diego Eagle on Friday night was a jam-packed affair with the contestants selling raffle tickets. They and the judges were introduced and the whole event was spirited and promising.

The weather on the East Coast was so bad, the advertised emcee for the Mr. San Diego contest (Black Kat) was unable to get off the ground. So, former Mr. San Diego Leather Adam Latham was obliged to step in and do the duties, which he did with a pleasant attitude. He managed to get the contest, basket auction, and silent auction done at a decent hour so people could go out and celebrate the victory of Mr. San Diego Leather 2007.

There were four men vying at Rich's on University Avenue for the title: Lee Butler, Mike Little, Russ Mortensen, and Sidney McFadden. The judges admitted it was not an easy task. The show opened with a flag salute and the national anthem. The contest got under way right after the contestants were introduced. The first on-stage category was the jock (or physique) category. Humorous questions were answered with clever responses by each and every contestant.

There were two intermissions so attendees could view the erotic art silent auction in the lobby. IML Bo Ladashevska gave a stirring speech, which was well received, and so did Durk Dehner of the Tom of Finland Foundation, a beneficiary of the San Diego Leather Pride Week. Being Alive was the other beneficiary from the whole week's proceedings.

After the baskets of the contestants were auctioned off, the tally masters were hard at work adding up the scores. Outgoing Mr. San Diego Leather Adam "Buster" Wenzel gave a short step-aside speech. After serving his community for a year, he advances to compete at IML 2007 in Chicago in May.

Finally, the moment of truth arrived. The results were brought to the stage and Little was announced as the first runner-up. A few seconds later, the announcement was that Butler would be Mr. San Diego Leather 2007. Bedlam broke out in the house.

Unbeknownst to most people in the audience, Butler has already competed at IML. It was in 1979, the first-ever IML contest in Chicago, that he was a contestant. To set the record straight, he was also the first black man to compete at IML. He is a strikingly handsome mature man without a trace of gray, a sturdy physique and a quiet, measured easy attitude that belies his serious thought. Just to shake his hand is affirming that here is a man's man, a genuine leather man.

And so Leather Pride Week in San Diego ended. A victory brunch was held at the host hotel on Sunday and all the farewells took place. It was a great weekend in San Diego, and that's why people keep returning!

In your neck of the woods

Back in Baltimore, Maryland, the first session of the Mid-Atlantic Leather Sir/boy got under way at the Hippo. No details were furnished, but when the votes were counted. Eric Samuelson was chosen Mid-Atlantic Leather Sir and boy Luke Emel was chosen Mid-Atlantic Leather boy. They advance to compete for the Mid-Atlantic Regional titles later this year.

In Los Angeles, the final feeder contest for the Mr. Los Angeles Leather 2007 title took place to find Mr. Ashram West. I'm still waiting for the results. That makes a total of 10 contestants that will compete for the title on Saturday, March 31. I'll be there to cover the event, so you'll be the first to know the results.

Close to home, the nominees for the annual Golden Dildeaux Awards were revealed last week and as usual, the usual shrieks were heard all over town from people who were nominated. The awards will take place at the Eagle Tavern on Saturday night, April 14. The slogan is "Vote early and vote often." It's only $1 a vote and all to benefit the AIDS Emergency Fund. One comment overheard the day of the announcement, "My dear! The imperial family seems to be more kinky than the leather queens!" As a certain witch we all know says, "Oh, I see!"

Revival? We'll See

For a while there, it looked like leather was completely dead in the Castro, what with the guillotine chopping it up at Daddy's (now smartly known as the 440. Philip Turner is spinning in his grave!), but all is not lost! Believe it or not, we get one night a week for leather at the Edge.

They say those clad in leather will have "drink specials," whatever that means. Check it out and give me a full report. I wonder if Men in Gear know about this. I also wonder if Scott Brogan attends.

Meanwhile, if you want to attend the best underwear party in town, you'll find it at the Powerhouse. Stay alert for the next one.

Was your reputation "marginalized" by being nominated in the Golden Dildeaux Awards in a category you swear you should not be in? To make sure you don't win that award, the only way to avoid unnecessary embarrassment to yourself is to vote – and to vote often – for someone else in the same category you're in. Think about it. And you can vote and even pay online!

It was very heartening to see the San Diego leather community working together with the leather men and women, the Sisters, the bears and even some "court" members. Even the legendary "Nicole the Great" showed up at the Mr. San Diego Leather contest and we had a nice chat. As the new Queen Mother, she has some dynamic plans, which will be announced in the not-too-distant future. And believe me, leather will be included.

So another week comes to a close. Coming up next weekend is the Mr. Los Angeles Leather contest. Next month, here in our back yard will be the International MS. Leather contest. The times they are looking great!

Eventures in Leather, March 22 – 31, 2007

Thursday, March 22

Another Bare Chest Calendar at the Powerhouse around 2200 to pick out yet another manly chest.

Friday, March 24

"In Living Color" at the EDGE Dungeon in San Jose hosted by Master Worf, Ms. Heart and Blackheart. Food, music, fun all for a $20 donation. For more information, go to: www.leatherplanet.com/inlivingcolor

The 15 Association monthly play party at The Citadel. Doors open from 2000 to 2300. Donation is $20. For info: www.the15association.org

Weekend March 23-25

Mr. and Ms. Washington State Leather competition at The CUFF in Seattle. If you're in the vicinity, drop in. Also the Emerald Awards�.great!

Saturday, March 24

BootLickin' Party at the Powerhouse with Richie Chameroy. No details at my deadline.

Sunday, March 25

Men in Gear (after the other beer benefits) at the Powerhouse from 1800 to 2200. Guess a lot of people don't work on Mondays - I hear these are successful.

Wednesday, March 28: Leather Buddies at 933 Harrison. You know the rules: no attitude, no sneakers (white or otherwise), and NO COLOGNE! Don't embarrass yourself!

Weekend March 29-April 1

Mr. Los Angeles Leather Contest in Little Tokyo area of Los Angeles. Which of 10 men will take the title? Be there!

Saturday, March 31

The Breast Cancer Emergency Fund dinner at Swedish American Hall on Market St. hosted by Sandy "Mama" Reinhardt. Tickets are $75. Be there!