SF State reaches to Chicago for new science dean

  • by Khaled Sayed
  • Wednesday March 25, 2015
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San Francisco State University has appointed Illinois Institute of Technology Dean Keith J. Bowman, Ph.D., as its next dean of the College of Science and Engineering.

Bowman, a gay man and scholar, has spent much of his career focusing on increasing diversity and inclusion in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (also known as STEM).

Bowman, who has a longtime partner, said the couple is very excited to be moving to San Francisco.

"I hope to succeed the tradition of great leadership for the College of Science and Engineering at SF State by ensuring a great education, providing opportunities for students and faculty to do research that enhances our education programs, and elevating recognition of our students and faculty for their accomplishments," Bowman said. "My hope is that I can establish strong connections with our alumni, friends, and other stakeholders while also becoming a resident of San Francisco."

Bowman, 55, will be responsible for all academic, strategic, and financial aspects of the college, home to more than 400 faculty and staff members, including 175 tenured and tenure-track faculty and more than 6,000 students in nine departments ranging from biology and chemistry to computer science and engineering. He currently chairs the largest department, the Armour College of Engineering, at IIT, a private school in Chicago where he spent the past four years.

Bowman's first academic job was at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana, where he worked for 23 years. He started as an assistant professor and rose through the ranks to become head professor of the School of Materials Engineering.

"The future of STEM lies in great cities like San Francisco and at institutions such as SF State, and I am honored to be selected as the university's next dean of the College of Science and Engineering," Bowman said in a news release announcing his appointment. "The college has a strong commitment to research and teaching excellence and I look forward to working closely with its students, faculty, and staff."

Among many professional associations, Bowman is a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers executive committee of mechanical engineering department heads.

According to SF State Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sue V. Rosser, "Dr. Bowman has an exceptional record of leadership and scholarship, with proven success working with all university stakeholders to support the work and achievements of students and faculty. In addition, he has shown a firm commitment to broadening participation in STEM, a goal to which we are strongly committed at SF State."

Judi Zawojewski, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus in the Department of Mathematics and Science and Education at IIT, is a close friend and colleague of Bowman's. She recalled how she met Bowman 15 years ago during a rainstorm at the graduation line at the end of her first year as an associate professor at Purdue University. While they waited for the rain to stop, she was explaining to another engineering faculty member the value of students understanding the mathematics they were using.

"I spent quite a bit of time talking about the research and the approach I used," Zawojewski said. "As the line finally started to move forward (when the rain had ended) and our conversation ended, Keith extended his hand, and said, 'I'm Keith Bowman. I overheard your conversation, and I think we can do some work together.' The rest has been an amazing journey. He had an idea, and eventually was granted $1 million from the National Science Foundation to improve the interest and perseverance of women in engineering."

She added that Bowman enjoys the theater and played classical guitar in his younger days.

"He is concerned that all people have equitable opportunities to learn, and to show that they know and can do," Zawojewski added. "Keith also has one of the most unusual combination of smarts and ethics that I know. He uses his smarts to advocate for equality for all people, not for selfish reasons."

Bowman will take over from Sheldon Axler, who has served as dean since 2002, when he assumes his new role at SF State this summer.